This winter, our team had the opportunity to give back to our veterans by donating 4 custom-made spears for a darkhouse spearing event at Lake Winnibigoshish in MN this past December. The event is sponsored by Fishing for Life, whose mission is, “serving youth, families, veterans and communities through fishing and outdoor programs.” During this event, Fishing for Life worked with the Wounded Warriors Project to give veterans the opportunity to spearfish. For most veterans, it is their first-time spearing.

ALMCO’s opportunity to participate arose due to an ALMCO employee’s connection with the resort that hosts the spearfishing event. “My boys and I spearfish at Lake Winnibigoshish the same time that Fishing for Life and the Wounded Warrior Project hosts their darkhouse spearing event for veterans. The past 3-4 years, the resort owners asked if I have any extra spears, and I’d bring them for the event. This year, I thought it would neat to make some and donate them,” stated Kevin Viktora, ALMCO Production Manager.

The spears were used as a prize for the Veteran with the largest fish. One spear was gifted this year, and they plan to use the other 3 in their future veteran spearfishing events.

Creating the spears was a team effort. Members from the ALMCO team designed the spears and the protective cover, and Lou-Rich, ALMCO’s sister company, lasered them. The spears were custom engraved with “The Wounded Warriors Project” on the handle and the covers were made from a 3D printer and featured an American flag.

Fishing for Life sent a thank you card in appreciation for the donation. “Thank you for the beautiful spear that was created and donated to Fishing for Life for our recent veterans darkhouse spearing event. Your thoughtfulness is sincerely appreciated and has created a memory for a lifetime. Every veteran, how they enjoyed the entire event, and the spear was the frosting on the cake!”

A special thanks to all the skilled people that worked with Kevin at ALMCO and Lou-Rich. It was a group effort to get the project completed. Also, thank you to all our Veterans for your service!

You can learn more about Fishing for Life and their events here: Fishing For Life